April 1st 2020 Virus update

I have had quite a few emails asking am I still trading. Yes I am still sending out orders for as long as the postal service is still working. I am having a massive surge in orders as to be expected when everybody is forced to stay home and need something to do. It is taking me longer than normal to process the orders so please be patient as I will get everything out. Also be aware that postal workers will be off in isolation and everything will run slower in any postal service around the world. Orders may take longer to arrive so again please be patient.

I am avoiding going to the post office at present and just posting via the post box. So if you are ordering from outside the UK can you please limit your orders to a maximum of 10 to 12 sheets please. This is so I can fit the order in small packets that go in the post box and do not need to be handed over the counter. Your cooperation on this would be greatly appreciated.

Customer support through this period has been fantastic and thanks for all the kind messages.

Please take care during this health crisis and follow all health advice given.

My best wishes and keep safe.
