I am taking a break for a couple of weeks and so have turned off the web-shop so I do not return to a backlog of orders. You can still browse the range but will not be able to place any new orders until Monday 22nd August. Best regards and enjoy your summer. Steve
Christmas break 17/12/2021 to 04/01/2022
The web shop has been turned off now for my Christmas and New Year break. It will be turned on again when I get back to work on the 4th January 2022. Sorry for those who want to place an order but I really need a good break after the relentless hard work of the […]
22nd August 2021 short break
Taking another short break to recharge the batteries. The web shop has been closed so as not to come back to a pile of orders thus negating any relaxation gained by the break. The web Shop will be back up and running next Friday.
24th July 2021 taking a short break
I have shut the web shop down whilst I take a short break and don’t want to come back to a pile of orders after my time away. The web shop will be back up and running next Friday when I am back at work. Cheers, Steve
27th Feb 2021 new transfers listed
Finally got around to updating the website with some of the transfers I did ages ago and never seemed to have the time to put up. Still lots to put u8p but it is a start! I have added the North Star ‘Oathmark’ fantasy ranges of Dwarf, Elf, Goblin and Human. The Gothic and Late […]
21st January Delays with sending orders out
Just a quick message to say there are some delays sending orders out . Since coming back to work on the 4th January orders have continued to flood in exactly as they did from last March and Lock downs. I am a one man band and it is a struggle to keep up with this […]
order sizes 7th 1st 2021
Since Covid locked things down in March business has increased massively as everybody is at home and can’t game but painting their miniatures. Not only have the amount of orders gone up but people are ordering really large amounts of transfers. Can I make a bit of a plea to just order sensible amounts of transfers please? […]
Web shop back up and taking orders
The web-shop is now back up and running again after my Christmas break. Sorry to those who wanted to place an order over the holiday period but I had to shut the shop down just so I could have a good rest and not come back to a huge pile of orders. Now we have […]
The web shop will be down until the new year
I am closing the web shop as of 6pm Thursday 17th December so I can wrap things up early for Christmas as I really need a good long break. The ordering system will be up again on the 4th January. I won’t be taking orders over the holiday as I don’t want to come back […]
2nd Sept 2020 web shop back up
The web shop is back up and running. Every now and again this year I have had to shut the shop down to have a break and catch up on order backlogs.2ndn